Abdominal Migraine
7 y/o pt with presents with acute on chronic abdominal pain. Pain can be diffuse or periumbilical with episodes lasting 2 to 72 hours and affecting normal activities. Reports associated unilateral H/A, photophobia, N/V, anorexia that worsen with stress, physical activity. Denies presence of blood in stool. Afebrile with pallor on exam.
Consider CBC, U/A, beta-hCG, FOBT
Initial treatment
Start Tylenol, ibuprofen for pain
Zofran for nausea
Persistent symptoms
Consider propranolol and cyproheptadine for prophylaxis
12+ y/o: Consider sumatriptan for acute pain
Parents advised to validate symptoms but avoid reinforcing symptoms with secondary gain, e.g. missing school
Family counseled about appropriate sleep habits, hydration
Family informed that symptoms generally dissipate in early adolescence
Note: Responsible for 5-15% of chronic abdominal pain in children