Labor Complications
Suspected Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)
26 y/o G2P0101 at 34 WGA with h/o preterm delivery presents s/p a sudden gush of fluid per vagina. Denies sexual intercourse during the previous 24 hours. Pregnancy complications include smoking, gonorrhea, and chlamydia infection. Pooling, cervical dilation/effacement, and fluid discharge through the cervix noted on sterile speculum exam.
Send GBS swab and gonorrhea/chlamydia cervical swab obtained during exam
Positive ferning and nitrazine paper test
Reassuring non-stress test (NST)
GBS status unknown
≥ 34 WGA: Start induction and plan for delivery
Preterm Labor
26 y/o G2P0101 at 34 WGA with h/o preterm delivery < 18 months prior presents with contractions every 5-10 minutes. Current pregnancy complications include smoking, multiple UTI, gonorrhea/chlamydia, GDMA2, cervical length < 2.5 cm. Completed course of hydroxyprogesterone caproate (Makena) 250mg IM weekly from 16-34 WGA with no missed doses. Cerclage was contraindicated due to multiple gestation. BMI < 20 kg/m^2 with 3 cm cervical dilation and suspected rupture of membranes on sterile speculum exam.
GBS Prophylaxis
26 y/o G2P1001 < 37 WGA with h/o positive GBS status during previous pregnancy, GBS bacteriuria during current pregnancy presents in labor. Membranes ruptured > 18 hours ago. Records indicate positive GBS test within previous 5 weeks.
Start GBS ppx for any of the following:
GBS positive during previous pregnancy
GBS bacteriuria and/or positive GBS culture during current pregnancy
Culture not performed or > 5 weeks from negative culture with any of the following:
Agents in order of preference:
Penicillin G 5 million units IV loading dose then 2.5 to 3 million units IV q4 hours until delivery
PCN allergy not no h/o anaphylaxis: Cefazolin 2g IV initial dose then 1g IV q8 hours until delivery
PCN allergy with h/o anaphylaxis:
Infant delivers before 36 WGA or before GBS prophylaxis is administered:
Reference: UNC GBS Algorithm
Intrapartum Fever
26 y/o G1P0 with protracted labor and rupture of membranes > 18 hours develops acute onset intrapartum fever. Reports chills, increased thirst, dyspnea, dysuria. Epidural anesthesia placed recently. Maternal heart rate > 110 bpm, temperature > 38 C, bilateral pulmonary crackles, costovertebral angle tenderness, abdominal tenderness, uterine tenderness, and malodorous amniotic fluid on exam. IUPC and fetal scalp electrode in place with fetal heart rate > 160 bpm.
Risk factors: Nulliparity, prolonged labor, rupture of membranes > 18 hours
Most common
Epidural anesthesia: Should be suspected only if temperature rose immediately following epidural placement, epidural has been in place less than 4 hours, and the patient has no other signs/symptoms of systemic illness
Intra-amniotic infection: Consider in setting of uterine tenderness and maternal/fetal tachycardia
Respiratory infection
Urinary tract infection
WBC count range for pregnant patients is generally 10,000 to 16,000 and will vary by institution
Fetal heart rate: Category I tracings do not exclude intrauterine infection
Pregnant women
Labor dystocia