Induction of Labor
G1P0 at ≥ 39 WGA with h/o GDM and new onset preeclampsia presents for induction of labor (IOL). Gravid uterus; vertex per Leopold’s and ultrasound.
Obtain GBS swab results prior to induction
ACOG Induction of Labor Safety Checklist reviewed before induction
Bishop score < 6: Initiate cervical ripening prior to IOL
Mechanical cervical dilation (select one)
Laminaria japonica; risk of peripartum infection discussed with pt
Foley balloon (14-26 French)
No h/o c-section: PGE analogues
Misoprostol (Cytotec, PGE1) 25 mcg intravaginally q4h for 6 doses
Dinoprostone (Cervidil, PGE2) 10 mg insert; recheck after 12 hours
H/o C-section: Start low dose pitocin at 0.5 mU/min and increase 1 mU every 30 minutes
Consider amniotomy in addition to Pitocin to reduce induction-to-delivery interval
Pt advised to try nipple stimulation
Bishop ≥ 7: Start Pitocin 2 mU/min; increase by 2 mU/min every 30 minutes to achieve contractions q3 minutes (maximum 40 mu/min)
Fetal head engaged and not ballotable: Consider amniotomy
Stop pitocin if any of the following are observed; restart at 2 mU/min and retitrate once resolved
Tachysystole, i.e. > 5 contractions/10 min averaged over 30 min
Repeat decelerations on fetal heart tracing
Stop induction due to failure to progress if no appreciable cervical change observed after 24 hours
Elective induction
Do not perform before 39 WGA; research into benefit between 39 and 41 weeks is ongoing
Cervical ripening vs. beginning pitocin at Bishop score 6-7 is provider and patent dependent
IOL indications
Abruptio placenta
Fetal demise
Gestational HTN
Post term pregnancy
Maternal medical condition (DM, renal disease, chronic pulmonary disease, chronic hypertension, antiphospholipid syndrome)
Fetal compromise (severe fetal growth restriction, isoimmunization, oligo/polyhydramnios)
IOL contraindications
Vasa previa or complete placenta previa
Transverse fetal lie
Umbilical cord prolapse
Previous classical c-section
Active genital herpes infection
Previous myomectomy entering endometrial cavity