Hypertension in Pregnancy
For more information, see ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 202: Gestational Hypertension and Preeclampsia
Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy
36 y/o G1P0 at < 20 WGA with h/o HTN and pregestational DM presents for prenatal care. BP ≥ 140/90 on two occasions > 4 hours apart. Patient previously on an ACE inhibitor and atenolol; medications discontinued prior to pregnancy due to reduce IUGR risk. Family history includes preeclampsia. BMI > 30 kg/m^2. Dating ultrasound shows multiple gestation.
CBC, CMP, urine protein/creatinine all WNL
Monitor for IUGR: Refer for growth scan after 20 WGA if fundal height is 3 cm less than gestational age
Continue thiazide diuretic started before pregnancy
BP ≥ 150/100: Start one of the following medications and add a second agent if necessary
Nifedipine ER 30 mg qd (MDD 120 mg/day)
Labetalol 100 mg BID (MDD 200 mg BID)
Methyldopa 250 mg BID (MDD 250 mg BID when combined with other antihypertensives)
Definition: BP ≥ 140/90 on two occasions > 4 hours apart before 20 WGA
Risk factors include advanced maternal age (≥ 35 y/o at delivery), multiple gestation, chronic HTN, pregestational DM, family h/o preeclampsia, BMI > 30 kg/m^2
Chronic HTN is also diagnosed if elevated blood pressures persist past 12 weeks postpartum
Gestational Hypertension
Patient with no h/o HTN before 20 WGA presents for prenatal care. BP ≥ 140/90 on two occasions > 4 hours apart.
CBC, CMP, urine protein/creatinine all within normal limits
BP ≥ 150/100: Start one of the following medications and add a second agent if necessary
Nifedipine ER 30 mg qd (MDD 120 mg/day)
Labetalol 100 mg BID (MDD 200 mg BID)
Methyldopa 250 mg BID (MDD 250 mg BID when combined with other antihypertensives)
Perform in-office BP and non-stress test once weekly until delivery
Induce if > 34 WGA with 1 or more of the following risk factors: Rupture of membranes, fetal size < 5th percentile on ultrasound, suspected abruptio placenta
Induce at 37 WGA in the absence of additional risk factors
Preeclampsia without Severe Features
45 y/o G1P0 twin gestation at > 20 WGA with h/o DM and renal disease presents with BP ≥ 140/90 on two occasions 4 hours apart. Denies headache, changes in vision. Reports preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy and h/o preeclampsia in a 1st degree relative. Elevated BMI, lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally, and no RUQ or epigastric pain on exam.
Spot urine protein/urine creatinine ratio > 0.3
Platelets > 100,000/mL, serum creatinine < 1.1 mg/dL, and liver transaminase levels less than 2 times the upper limit of normal
Consider antiphospholipid antibody assay if concern for autoimmune disease
Obtain weekly CBC, CMP
Twice weekly in-office blood pressure and NST until delivery
Once weekly amniotic fluid index until delivery
Fetal growth ultrasonography every 3 weeks until delivery to monitor for IUGR
Start magnesium prophylaxis if severe features develop, i.e. headache that does not resolve with Tylenol, vision changes (blurring/flashing/scotoma), platelets < 100,000/mL, serum Cr > 1.1, AST or ALT > 2x upper limit of normal
> 34 WGA with ≥ 1 risk factors (ROM, abnormal MFM results, size <5th percentile on U/S, suspected abruptio placenta): Start induction
No risk factors: Induce at 37 WGA
Observe for 72 hours
Follow-up appointment within 10 days of discharge
Patient instructed to call office if she develops H/A, changes in vision, N/V, CP, SOB, RUQ pain, edema
Aspirin 162 mg qd starting at 12 WGA during future pregnancies
Preeclampsia definition: Systolic BP ≥ 140 or diastolic BP ≥ 90 on two occasions 4 hours apart AND a spot urine protein/urine creatinine ratio > 0.3
Risk factors for preeclampsia include maternal age > 40 y/o, nulliparity, multiple gestation, preexisting diabetes mellitus, renal disease, history of preeclampsia, preeclampsia in a 1st degree relative, elevated BMI, and presence of phospholipid antibodies
Preeclampsia with Severe Features
45 y/o G1P0 twin gestation at > 20 WGA with h/o DM and renal disease presents with BP ≥ 160/110 on two occasions 15 minutes apart. Reports blurred vision with aberrations/scotoma, H/A not responding to analgesia. Crackles on lung exam concerning for pulmonary edema. Upper and lower extremity edema noted, 3+ patellar reflexes b/l.
Platelets < 100,000/microliter, serum creatinine > 1.1 mg/dL, and AST and ALT levels > 2 times the upper limit of normal
Obtain urine protein and urine creatinine
Consider obtaining serum LDH and uric acid levels
Admit to inpatient for monitoring
BP control
No bradycardia: Labetalol 20 mg IV <10min> 40 mg <10min> 80 mg <10min> hydralazine 10 mg IV <20min> emergency consult
Bradycardia present: Hydralazine 10mg IV <20 min> 10 mg <20min> labetalol 20 mg IV <10 min> labetalol 40 mg IV and an emergency consult
Seizure prophylaxis
No h/o myasthenia gravis: Magnesium 6g loading dose over 20 minutes
2g/hr maintenance while patellar reflex present
Check magnesium level upon loss of patellar reflex, RR < 12, or UOP < 30cc/hr
Administer 1g Ca gluconate if concern for magnesium toxicity
H/o myasthenia gravis: Levetiracetam 500 mg IV BID
IVF < 100mL/hr, oral intake < 25 mL per hour
Place Foley catheter and monitor UOP; goal = 30mL/hr
Delivery at 24-34 WGA
Immediate delivery in cases of severe/resistant HTN, eclampsia, pulmonary edema, abruption
Two doses IM betamethasone 12 mg q24h prior to delivery in cases of PLT < 100,000, transaminase 2x ULN, IUGR, severe oligohydramnios, umbilical artery reversed end-diastolic flow, worsening renal function.
Deliver at 37 WGA if no contraindications
Continue mag x 24 h postpartum; monitor for 72h postpartum
Nifedipine if HTN continues postpartum (max dose 30 mg qAM + 60 mg qhs)
Continue magnesium sulfate at 2g/hr for 24h
Observe for 72h
F/u appointment within 10 days of discharge
Pt instructed to call office if she develops H/A, changes in vision, N/V, CP, SOB, RUQ pain, edema
Aspirin 81mg qd starting at 12 WGA during future pregnancies
Pt with h/o preeclampsia and no h/o trophoblastic disease presents with seizures at > 20 WGA. Seizures were preceded by H/A and visual changes. Convulsions lasted 60-90 sec and were followed by postictal state. No signs of injury on exam.
Pt placed on L side and intubation team notified
Administered 6g magnesium sulfate loading dose over 15 min
Continue magnesium at 2g/hr
Admit to L&D for continued observation
HELLP Syndrome
Pt with h/o preeclampsia with severe features presents with RUQ pain. Sudden onset of symptoms. Petechiae noted on exam.
CBC with platelet count < 50,000
Obtain CMP, fibrinogen, PT, PTT
Platelets < 20,000; administer platelets prior to attempted vaginal delivery and consider regional anesthesia if repeat platelets > 100,000
Continue magnesium until 24-48h postpartum