OBGYN Medications
PDF Reference Guides
Oral Contraception Options
Prophylaxis in Pregnancy
Aspirin for Preeclampsia
History of previous preeclampsia, chronic HTN, DM, renal disease, or systemic lupus erythematosus with antiphospholipid syndrome presents to establish OB care. No complications at present. Elevated BP on exam.
Start aspirin 81 mg daily during first trimester
Consider higher dose aspirin (162 mg daily) as per evidence
Makena for History of Preterm Delivery
History of previous spontaneous singleton preterm birth presents at <16 WGA.
Start Makena 250 mg weekly injections at 16 WGA; continue until 37 WGA
Cervix < 2.5cm on U/S exam
Perform serial cervical U/S measurements until 24 WGA
Administer vaginal progesterone suppository 200 mg daily
Rho D Immune Globulin
Reduces risk of alloimmunization in RhD negative women with an RhD positive fetus to 0.2%
Risk for alloimmunization is low in the 1st trimester, but Rho(D) immune globulin 50 mcg should be offered to women with a threatened early spontaneous abortion
Indications for administration of Rho(D) immune globulin 300 mcg include
At 28 WGA and again within 72 hours of delivery if the infant is Rh positive
After events that increase risk of fetal-to-maternal transfusion, e.g.
Procedures including amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, external cephalic version
Abdominal trauma or bleeding in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters
Obtain culture at 35 to 37 WGA.
Intrapartum PPx and Tx
Group B Strep
Prophylaxis criteria: Expected vaginal delivery (not required for planned C-section) and at least one of the following
Positive GBS swab (NAAT) and/or culture confirmed UTI at any point during pregnancy
Preterm delivery with unknown GBS status; swab is obtained at presentation and therapy is continued pending results
Term delivery with ROM lasting ≥18 hours
Maternal fever (≥38.0ºC) at any point during labor
Prophylaxis options
No PCN allergy: PCN-G 5 million units at presentation and then 2.5 million units q4h until delivery
PCN allergy (not anaphylaxis): Cefazolin 2 g at presentation and then 1 g every 8 hours until delivery
PCN and cephalosporin allergies:
If susceptible to clindamycin, administer 900 mg every 8 hours until delivery
Clindamycin resistant: Vancomycin 2g at presentation and then 1 g q12h until delivery