Wet Mount Preparation
Vaginal Wet Mount
Pelvic exam: Speculum, speculum lubricant, speculum light, cotton swab
Wet mount: Saline solution, KOH solution, two microscope slides, one slide cover slip
Perform pelvic exam and swab cervix
Place swab in test tube with 0.5 cc saline and stir to create a suspension
Using cotton swab, smear dime-sized amount of the suspension on each microscope slide
Add 1-2 drops KOH solution to the first slide and perform whiff test
Add cover slip to the second slide and observe under microscope on 40x magnification
Potential Microscopy Findings - Saline Preparation
Squamous epithelial cells
PMNs (polymorphonuclear leukocytes): May be abnormal if present in excessive numbers
Sperm cells
Yeast (sometimes seen more easily on KOH prep as the solution lyses other cellular components)
Clue cells: Squamous epithelial cells with > 75% of border covered with bacteria that may indicate bacterial vaginosis
Trichomonads: Approximately the size of PMNs and identified by characteristic jerking movement