Abnormal Uterine Function
Definition: Absence of menarche based presence/absence of secondary sexual characteristics and age
Secondary sexual characteristics present: Age 14 years
Absent: Age 16 years
Gonadal dysgenesis, e.g. Turner syndrome (43% of cases)
Anatomical defects
Mullerian agenesis (10% of cases)
Other: Imperforate hymen, transverse vaginal septum, etc.
Hormonal dysregulation: Hypothalamic amenorrhea, hyperprolactinemia, elevated FSH, polycystic ovary syndrome
Initial workup: Confirm negative beta-hCG and obtain pelvic ultrasound
If no anatomic defects on ultrasound, obtain serum prolactin, FSH, LH, testosterone levels
Consider karyotype based if high suspicion for genetic disorder
Secondary: Defined as cessation of menses for 3 months or irregular menses for 6 months
Most common etiologies
Primary ovarian failure
Hypothalamic amenorrhea
Initial work-up
If pregnancy test negative, obtain TSH, LH, FSH
If visual changes (peripheral vision loss) or galactorrhea present, obtain prolactin level
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
#Adenomyosis: > 40 y/o F with h/o prior uterine surgery presents with dysmenorrhea. Reports heavy menstrual bleeding and chronic pelvic pain. Diffuse uterine enlargement and uterine tenderness on exam.
Obtain CBC to evaluate for anemia
U/S shows thickened myometrium
Pathology confirms adenomyosis
Pt has not completed childbearing; pt counseled that Mirena IUD may provided limited symptoms relief
Refer to OBGYN for discussion of hysterectomy
#Leiomyoma (fibroids): Pt with h/o [PMH] presents with [timing] [CC]. [HPI]. [PE] on exam.
Pt advised to [anticipatory guidance]
#Malignancy/hyperplasia: Pt with h/o [PMH] presents with [timing] [CC]. [HPI]. [PE] on exam.
Pt advised to [anticipatory guidance]
#Coagulopathy: Pt with h/o [PMH] presents with [timing] [CC]. [HPI]. [PE] on exam.
Pt advised to [anticipatory guidance]
#Ovulatory dysfunction: Pt with h/o [PMH] presents with [timing] [CC]. [HPI]. [PE] on exam.
Pt advised to [anticipatory guidance]
#Endometrial etiology: Pt with h/o [PMH] presents with [timing] [CC]. [HPI]. [PE] on exam.
Pt advised to [anticipatory guidance]
#Iatrogenic: Pt with h/o [PMH] presents with [timing] [CC]. [HPI]. [PE] on exam.
Pt advised to [anticipatory guidance]