Acute Coronary Syndrome
(Myocardial infarction including NSTE-ACS/NSTEMI and STEMI)
65 y/o M with h/o HTN, CAD, HLD, previous MI, CKD, DM, smoking presents with acute onset chest pain. Reports two episodes of chest and L arm pain similar to previous angina episodes within the past 24 hours. Pain severity acutely increased prior to presentation. Medications include ASA with last use within previous 7 days. Records show coronary artery stenosis ≥ 50%. Family h/o MI-related death 1st degree M relative <55 y/o and 1st degree female relative <65 y/o. Hypotension, diaphoresis, pulmonary crackles, and transient mitral regurgitation on exam. Pain not reproducible with palpation.
≥ 2 indicated need for urgent evaluation
≥ 4 indicates high likelihood of CAD as the cause of chest pain (LR 11.2)
Stat troponins values > 0.150; obtain repeat troponins at 3 and 6 hours s/p initial draw
Stat EKG obtained within 10 minutes of presentation shows NSTE-ACS vs. STEMI (see below for specific treatment)
Initial therapy
Aspirin: Chew non-enteric coated 325 mg at symptom onset
Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingually q5 minutes for up to 3 doses as BP allows
SPO2 <90%: Start oxygen 4L by NC
Heparin 60 u/kg IV bolus (max 4,000 u) followed by 12 u/kg/hr infusion (max 1,000 u/hr) to maintain aPTT 1.5-2.0 until revascularization (see STEMI) or 48 h s/p symptom onset
Consider morphine 4-8 mg IV q15 min for refractory chest pain
Treatment based on EKG findings
ST depression in contiguous leads ≥ 0.5 mm, T wave inversion, and new onset Q waves
Able to take aspirin; administer clopidogrel 600 mg loading dose
STEMI: ST elevation and new onset L bundle branch block (see notes for details)
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) capable facility: Complete PCI within 12 hours of symptoms onset and administer clopidogrel 600 mg s/p procedure
PCI not available and pt < 75 y/o with CrCl > 30: Transfer to a capable facility (preferred) or administer clopidogrel 300 mg and fibrinolytic therapy (tPa)
Additional therapy
Start carvedilol 6.25 mg BID and titrate as tolerated
Start lisinopril 2.5 mg qd within 24 hours of symptoms onset; titrate to 10 mg qd
Continue clopidogrel 75 mg qd maintenance therapy x12 months
Start atorvastatin 80 mg qd
Establish outpatient appointment with cardiologist upon discharge
CAD risk factors include HTN, HLD, DM, current smoking, and family h/o CAD
Average age at first MI is 65 years
Most predictive s/sx include abnormal stress test, h/o peripheral arterial disease, diaphoresis, acute hypotension, and EKG changes
Myocardial infarction terminology
MI definition: Ischemia-induced cardiac muscle damage resulting in elevated troponins (>3x ULN) and one of the following
Signs or symptoms of ischemia
New, significant EKG changes (see below)
New cardiac wall motion abnormality on echo
Ischemia subtypes
Type 1: Thrombotic occlusion of a vessel
Type 2: Myocardial oxygen demand exceeds oxygen supply
Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
Term no longer used by the American College of Cardiology
Now grouped with unstable angina and known as non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS)
Troponins >3x ULN are considered significant; this value varies locally and >0.150 is used an example above because it applies to this author’s local institution
EKG changes
ST elevation: Anatomically contiguous lead changes that meet any of the following criteria:
≥ 2 mm in men or ≥ 1.5 mm in women for leads V2-3
≥ 1 mm for leads V1, V4-6, I-III, AVL, AVF
New onset L bundle branch block in the setting of acutely elevated troponins is considered an MI (STEMI) equivalent
Absolute contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy (e.g. tPa)
Blood pressure
Systolic BP > 180 mmHg, diastolic BP > 100 mmHg
R vs. L arm pressure > 15 mmHg
Closed head trauma within previous 3 months
Any history of intracranial bleeding
Ischemic stroke > 3 hours or within previous 3 months
Structural CNS disease (vascular malformation, neoplasm, etc.)
Metastatic malignancy
Surgery within the past 4 weeks
Right Bundle Branch Block with STEMI due to LAD occlusion. Photo credit Dr. Stephen W. Smith .
12 Lead ECG EKG showing ST Elevation (STEMI), Tachycardia, Anterior Fascicular Block, Anterior Infarct, Heart Attack. Color Key: ST Elevation in anterior leads=Orange, ST Depression in inferior leads=Blue
Thrombolysis in MI Risk Score
1 point for each:
3+ CAD risk factors
Known CAD with >50% stenosis
Aspirin use within past 7 days
2+ anginal episodes within preceding 24 hours
Elevated troponin I
ST segment deviation >0.5mm on admission ECG
Low risk (0-2): Stress test
Intermediate (3-4) to high (5-7) risk: Coronary angiography within 24 hours
Immediate coronary angiography for hemodynamic instability, heart failure/new MR, recurrent chest pain, ventricular arrhythmia