Chronic Liver Disease (Cirrhosis)
Pt with h/o alcoholism, chronic viral hepatitis, NAFLD, DM type 2, autoimmune disease presents to establish care. Reports recent anorexia, weight loss, weakness, fatigue, abdominal fullness, pruritus. Fever, confusion, gynecomastia, abdominal distention, caput medusa, flank dullness with percussion, splenomegaly, Dupuytren's contracture, jaundice, spider angiomata, palmar erythema, asterixis on exam.
Liver function
CMP shows AST and ALT 2x ULN (consistent with values 6 months prior), elevated bilirubin
Hepatitis B screening
Obtain hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
If HBsAg positive: Obtain HBsAg antibodies (anti-HBs) and hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc)
Hepatitis C screening: Obtain HCV antibody test; if positive, obtain HCV RNA test
Concern for hepatic encephalopathy: Obtain ammonia level
RUQ U/S shows liver nodularity, irregularity, increased echogenicity, atrophy
Abdominal U/S shows abdominal ascites
Consider Doppler U/S of portal and hepatic veins
Consider abdominal CT to establish baseline assessment of hepatic nodules
Consider EGD to assess for esophageal varices
Hepatic encephalopathy (hypersomnia, asterixis): Start lactulose 20 mg TID and titrate to 4 bowel movements daily
Beta blockers
Esophageal varices on EGD: Start nadolol 40 mg daily
Stop beta-blockers for MAP < 82 mmHg
Limit sodium intake to < 2,000 mg daily
Start Bumex 1 mg daily
Paracentesis with > 5L fluid removed: Administer 6g albumin for each liter of fluid removed
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: Admit to hospital
Obtain ascitic fluid culture and PMN count
Obtain blood, urine, sputum culture
Start IV cefotaxime 2g q 8 hours
Administer IV albumin 1.5 g/kg for BUN > 30 mg/dL, Cr > 1 mg/dL, and/or bilirubin > 4 mg/dL
Consider liver biopsy to definitively establish diagnosis
Refer to GI to establish care
Concern for esophageal varices: Refer for EGD
MELD score ≥ 15: Consider referral to transplant center
Stop drinking alcohol
Three month mortality rate per MELD score
Risk for ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, portal HTN leading to variceal bleeding and/or hepatorenal syndrome, hepatic encephalopathy
DM type 2 is a risk factor for NAFLD
Liver enzymes 2x ULN for 6 months is strongly correlated with cirrhosis on biopsy
If liver enzymes are normal and cirrhosis is suspected, consider ANA, anti-smooth muscle antibody
Anti-smooth muscle antibody is correlated with autoimmune hepatitis
Ammonia levels
Should only be obtained in the setting of altered mental status
Are not sufficient for the diagnosis if hepatic encephalopathy
Protein-restricted diets do not improve encephalopathy