Concussion (Uncomplicated)
Patient with h/o concussion presents s/p direct head injury. Reports headache, nausea, dizziness/balance disturbances, sleep disturbances, disorientation, difficulty concentrating, anxiety/irritability following injury and during past 72 hours. No LOC, amnesia, vomiting, convulsions. Oriented to date/time. No c-spine tenderness. Balance deficits noted; neurologic exam otherwise intact. Immediate word memory for 5 words over three trials. Able to recite numbers and months in reverse.
Perform MRI if symptoms continue for > 10 days or any of the following develop:
LOC/decreased responsiveness
Focal neurologic deficit
Decline in current condition
Remove from play with 6-day graded return pending resolution of symptoms
Pt counseled about risk of chronic traumatic encephalopathy with repeat concussions
Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) Rules
Rule out clinically important traumatic brain injuries (100% sensitive)
Pending risk factors, may allow clinician to forgo CT (see calculator)
Outperform CHALICE and CATCH decision aids
PECARN Rules Decision Matrix and risk for clinically important traumatic brain injury given risk factors