Distal Radial Fracture
70 y/o F with h/o osteoporosis presents with acute onset wrist pain s/p fall on outstretched hand (FOOSH). Denies h/o peripheral vascular disease, previous wrist injury/surgery. Wrist swelling, but no open fracture/deformity or pain with palpation of anatomic snuff box. Appropriate capillary refill; motor/sensory function intact in region of median, radial, and ulnar nerves.
Postero-anterior (PA), lateral, and oblique wrist views reveal distal radial fracture
Pain control
Opiate naive: Administer 1 time dose 2.5 mg morphine IV if necessary
Calculated CrCl ≥ 30 mL/minute: Start naproxen 500 mg BID
Apply sugar-tong splint allowing for full MCP flexion/extension
Pt instructed to elevate arm and apply ice to affected extremity
Pt encouraged to perform shoulder and finger range of motion exercises
Pt advised to seek medication attention if widespread discoloration or numbness/tingling develop in affected extremity
Follow-up outpatient with orthopedics
Pain with palpation of anatomic snuff box should raise suspicion for scaphoid fracture
Obtain emergent orthopedic consult for
Open fractures
Development of neuropathy/vascular compromise