Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
6 y/o M with h/o delayed crawling/walking as compared to siblings presents with fatigue, falls. Pt had difficulty holding his head up as an infant. Parents first became concerned lower extremity muscle weakness when pt was 2-3 y/o. Calf pseudohypertrophy, lower extremity muscle weakness, scoliosis on exam.
Obtain serum thyroxine, TSH, vitamin D
Serum creatinine kinase between 3,000 and 50,000 U/L
Obtain genetic analysis to confirm diagnosis
Vitamin D < 30 ng/mL; start vitamin D supplementation
Start prednisone 0.75 mg/kg/day to slow disease progression, improve outcomes
Regular, gentle exercise recommended to prevent disuse atrophy
Refer to pediatric neurology, pediatric cardiology
Decreased growth velocity: Refer to pediatric endocrinology
Parents advised that fatal complications are generally due to late pulmonary and cardiac involvement
Most common fatal disease affecting children
Head lag due to neck muscle weakness is a specific, early presentation
On average, two years elapse between initial parental concern and formal diagnosis
Rule out hypothyroidism as it can mimic DMD
If serum CK elevated but less than 3,000 U/L, repeat testing in 2-3 weeks
Patients are at increased risk of long-bone fracture due to decreased mobility, corticosteroid use