Functional Abdominal Pain
Pt with h/o physical/sexual abuse presents with acute on chronic abdominal pain. Denies fever, weight loss, vomiting, bloody stools. Reports anxiety, bullying at school. Appropriate progression along growth curve; no fever, CVA tenderness, HSM, abdominal mass, jaundice on exam.
Consider CBC, CRP, ESR, U/A, beta-hCG, total IgA, anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA, FOBT, and/or fecal ova/parasite testing
Consider abdominal x-ray to r/o fecal retention
Start cognitive behavioral therapy
Start lactobacillus, lactol with pH-dependent peppermint oil
Child/adolescent > 40 kg: Consider trial of famotidine 20 mg BID
Consider trial of cyproheptadine
2-6 y/o: 2 mg q8h
7+ y/o: 4 mg q8h
If symptoms do not improve, consider referral to GI
Reassurance provided to family
Responsible for 90-95% of chronic abdominal pain in children
No evidence for fiber, amitriptyline, citalopram when treating pain