Hepatorenal Syndrome
Pt with h/o alcohol abuse, liver cirrhosis, portal HTN presents with elevated serum creatinine. Reports recent oliguria. No history suggestive of nephrotoxic drug use, shock, infection, significant recurrent fluid loss. Gynecomastia, hepatomegaly, caput medusa on exam.
Obtain CBC, CMP, U/A, urine osmolality/sodium/protein; strict I&Os
Serum sodium <130, creatinine >1.5, creatinine clearance <40
U/A with <50 RBCs per HPF
Urine osmolality > plasma osmolality, urine sodium <10
No sustained improvement in renal function s/p discontinuation of diuretics, 1.5L isotonic saline bolus
Renal U/S shows no evidence of obstruction/parenchymal disease
Start midodrine 2.5mg IV and IV octreotide to achieve MAP increase of 15 mmHg or more
Consider dopamine 2 mcg/kg/min IV to induce renal vasodilation
Consider TIPS to reduce portal HTN
Pt advised to abstain from alcohol
Pt counseled that median survival is 3-6 months
Pt counseled that long-term therapy may involve liver transplant
Hepatorenal syndrome = functional renal failure in cirrhotic patients in the absence of intrinsic renal disease
Cirrhosis } portal hypotension } splanchnic vasodilation } decreased systemic circulation } renal vasoconstriction } decreased renal blood flow, GFR, urine output } azotemia } sodium/water retention
Midodrine is an alpha-1 agonist
MAP = mean arterial pressure = 1/3(systolic BP) + 2/3(diastolic BP)
TIPS = transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt