Labor Complications
Suspected Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)
26 y/o G2P0101 at 34 WGA with h/o preterm delivery presents s/p a sudden gush of fluid per vagina. Denies sexual intercourse during the previous 24 hours. Pregnancy complications include smoking, gonorrhea, and chlamydia infection. Pooling, cervical dilation/effacement, and fluid discharge through the cervix noted on sterile speculum exam.
Send GBS swab and gonorrhea/chlamydia cervical swab obtained during exam
Positive ferning and nitrazine paper test
Reassuring non-stress test (NST)
GBS status unknown
5mU penicillin G loading dose followed by 3mU q4h
Penicillin allergy: See alternative GBS prophylaxis options, UNC-CH GBS Algorithm
≥ 34 WGA: Start induction and plan for delivery
Preterm Labor
26 y/o G2P0101 at 34 WGA with h/o preterm delivery < 18 months prior presents with contractions every 5-10 minutes. Current pregnancy complications include smoking, multiple UTI, gonorrhea/chlamydia, GDMA2, cervical length < 2.5 cm. Completed course of hydroxyprogesterone caproate (Makena) 250mg IM weekly from 16-34 WGA with no missed doses. Cerclage was contraindicated due to multiple gestation. BMI < 20 kg/m^2 with 3 cm cervical dilation and suspected rupture of membranes on sterile speculum exam.
No intercourse within past 48 hours: Consider fetal fibronectin
Perform GBS testing
Obtain gonorrhea/chlamydia NAAT urine, urinalysis, and urine culture
GBS status presently unknown
5mU penicillin G loading dose followed by 3mU q4h
Penicillin allergy: See alternative GBS prophylaxis options, UNC-CH GBS Algorithm
Administer two doses betamethasone 12 mg IM 24 hours apart
No h/o myasthenia gravis: Administer 6g magnesium loading dose then 2g/hr for tocolysis and CP risk reduction
Patient encouraged to hydrate PO
GBS Prophylaxis
26 y/o G2P1001 < 37 WGA with h/o positive GBS status during previous pregnancy, GBS bacteriuria during current pregnancy presents in labor. Membranes ruptured > 18 hours ago. Records indicate positive GBS test within previous 5 weeks.
Start GBS ppx for any of the following:
GBS positive during previous pregnancy
GBS bacteriuria and/or positive GBS culture during current pregnancy
Culture not performed or > 5 weeks from negative culture with any of the following:
< 37 WGA
ROM ≥ 18 hrs
Maternal temperature > 38 C
Agents in order of preference:
Penicillin G 5 million units IV loading dose then 2.5 to 3 million units IV q4 hours until delivery
PCN allergy not no h/o anaphylaxis: Cefazolin 2g IV initial dose then 1g IV q8 hours until delivery
PCN allergy with h/o anaphylaxis:
Sensitive to clindamycin and erythromycin: Clindamycin 900 mg IV q8 hours until delivery
Vancomycin 1g IV q12 hours until delivery
Infant delivers before 36 WGA or before GBS prophylaxis is administered:
Obtain newborn CBC, blood cx
Observe newborn for 48h prior to discharge
Reference: UNC GBS Algorithm
Intrapartum Fever
26 y/o G1P0 with protracted labor and rupture of membranes > 18 hours develops acute onset intrapartum fever. Reports chills, increased thirst, dyspnea, dysuria. Epidural anesthesia placed recently. Maternal heart rate > 110 bpm, temperature > 38 C, bilateral pulmonary crackles, costovertebral angle tenderness, abdominal tenderness, uterine tenderness, and malodorous amniotic fluid on exam. IUPC and fetal scalp electrode in place with fetal heart rate > 160 bpm.
Initial Labs
Obtain urinalysis to rule out urinary tract infection
Influenza season and not appropriately vaccinated: Obtain rapid antigen nasopharyngeal influenza swab
Temperature > 39 C
Obtain confirmatory urine culture regardless of urinalysis results
Obtain CBC with differential and evaluate for bandemia indicating acute infection
Consider blood cultures
Concern for intrauterine infection or inflammation
Send amniotic fluid for gram stain, fluid glucose, WBC count, and culture
Send placenta for histopathology
Clinical concern for pneumonia with crackles on exam: Obtain CXR
Administer 500 cc LR bolus
Unable to rule out intrapartum infection: Start ampicillin 2g q6h and gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg q8h
Influenza swab positive: Start oseltamivir 75 mg BID x 5 days
CXR positive for PNA
Start azithromycin 500 mg x 1 day followed by 250 mg x 4 days
Not already on ampicillin/gentamicin: Start ceftriaxone 1 g x 5 days
Patient counseled that antibiotic therapy reduces risk of neonatal infection
Risk factors: Nulliparity, prolonged labor, rupture of membranes > 18 hours
Most common
Epidural anesthesia: Should be suspected only if temperature rose immediately following epidural placement, epidural has been in place less than 4 hours, and the patient has no other signs/symptoms of systemic illness
Intra-amniotic infection: Consider in setting of uterine tenderness and maternal/fetal tachycardia
Respiratory infection
Urinary tract infection
WBC count range for pregnant patients is generally 10,000 to 16,000 and will vary by institution
Fetal heart rate: Category I tracings do not exclude intrauterine infection
Pregnant women
Labor dystocia