Preoperative Evaluation
Initial information
Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Volume 64, Issue 22, December 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.07.944
Surgery to be performed:
Date of surgery:
Surgeon’s fax number:
Identify CAD Risk factors that increased risk of MACE
Age 55 years or older
History of
Cigarette smoking within the previous 6 months
Unstable angina, i.e. chest discomfort/pain with exertion
HTN, HLD (LDL > 190), arrhythmia, HF, MI, CKD, DM, PAD, stroke
Cardiac revascularization within the previous 5 years
Family history of HLD, MI, stroke
Functional capacity: Evaluate if any MACE risk factors are positive
< 4 METs: Cannot walk up 1 flight of stairs
4-10 METs: Walk uphill for 1-2 blocks and/or 1 flight of stairs without stopping
> 10 METs: Strenuous sports (swimming, cycling, tennis, soccer)
Additional history for consideration:
Allergies and medications
Current medical issues (including pregnancy) and/or history of
Asthma, COPD, lung disease
Sleep apnea including STOP-BANG score
Anemia, bleeding, and/or clotting disorders
Previous surgeries including dates and complications
Previous anesthesia and complications
Alcohol and/or recreational drug use
Home environment and social support
Where and with whom does the patient live?
Are there stairs in the living environment or other potential hazards?
What are the patient’s plans for transportation to and from the surgery?
Physical Exam
BP, BMP, O2 saturation
Dental examination
Cardiopulmonary examination
Assessment and Plan
Presence of CAD risk factors: Calculate Major Adverse Cardiac Event (MACE) Risk
Risk of cardiac complication less than 1% or > 4 METS: Proceed to surgery
< 4 METs: Refer for pharmacologic stress testing
Cardiac Risk Identified
Unstable angina: Obtain EKG and refer for stress test
Negative stress test: Evaluate risk per surgical calculator
Positive stress test: Refer to cardiology for further evaluation
Arrhythmia: Perform EKG and consider further workup pending rhythm
Delay elective surgery for
Smoking within 8 weeks
Recent CAD intervention including angioplasty (within 14 days), bare metal stent (30 days), or drug-eluting (1 year)
Now: OTC herbal supplements, bisphosphonates
7 days before procedure:
Aspirin (unless indication is prior coronary artery stenting)
P2Y12 inhibitor (e.g. clopidogrel)
5 days before procedure: Warfarin if no h/o mechanical heart valve and/or DVT/PE within previous 3 months (otherwise bridging with LMWH required)
3 days before procedure: Dabigatran, COX-2 inhibitors, NSAIDs
24 hours before surgery:
NOACs (e.g. apixaban, rivaroxaban)
Oral diabetes medications (administer 50% basal insulin dose morning of procedure)
Continue dual antiplatelet therapy (e.g. clopidogrel and aspirin) if < 6 weeks s/p bare metal stent or < 1 year s/p drug eluting stent
Beta-blockers if started > 4 weeks before surgery
Stress dose steroids for chronic prednisone > 5 mg/day: Hydrocortisone 75 mg IV q8 hours
Dental prophylaxis (administer 2g amoxicillin 1 hour prior to surgery) for h/o unrepaired congenital heart disease, infective endocarditis, prosthetic heart valve, heart transplant, major heart surgery within previous 6 months
Patient determined to be at above average risk by American College of Surgeons Surgical Risk Calculator
PNA or pulmonary complications: Obtain CXR
Surgical site infection: Obtain HbA1c
U/A: Current s/sx UTI, planned urologic intervention, planned implantation of foreign material
Renal failure: Consider nephrology consult
Death: Reconsider surgery
Obtain for the following issues or if requested by the surgeon
CBC: Age > 65, anemia, CKD, liver disease, cardiac/vascular surgery
HTN, HF, CKD, DM, liver disease
Use of chronic NSAID, diuretics, ACE/ARB, digoxin
HbA1c: DM
PT/PTT/INR: Anemia or taking anticoagulants
Urine pregnancy test: Female of childbearing age
CXR: Age > 60, COPD, HF, planned intrathoracic surgery
Cervical Spine x-ray: H/o rheumatoid arthritis due to risk for atlanto-axial subluxation during intubations
EKG: Obtain for CAD, PAD, CVA, arrhythmia
LBBB: Refer for stress test
Other abnormalities: Consider obtaining echocardiogram/stress test vs. referral to cardiology
Echocardiogram: Valvular disease with most recent study > 1 year prior
Patient counseled to stop smoking and consider delaying elective surgery until 8 weeks after successful smoking cessation
H/o sleep apnea: Patient should bring oral appliance and/or CPAP machine on day of surgery
NPO instructions (often institution-dependent): 2 hours for clear liquids, 4 hours for breast milk, 8 hours for meals
Not required for healthy patients receiving topical/local anesthesia, nitrous oxide/oxygen for a dental procedure, and/or peripheral nerve blocks
Previous MI risk classification for procedures included
Low (< 1%): Cataract, breast, EGD/colonoscopy
Intermediate (1-5%): Head/neck, intrathoracic, intraperitoneal including prostate, orthopedic
High (> 5%): Vascular surgery, emergent procedures
Previous MI
Non-emergent surgery should not be performed within 60 days of MI
CVD risk increases if MI occurred within the previous 6 month
Heart failure
Increases peri/postoperative mortality risk to 50 to 100%
Greater risk associated with HFpEF
Risk for pulmonary complications is increases with length of surgery
Statins reduce 30 day MI and death rates
Steps for warfarin bridge:
Stop warfarin 4 days before procedure and start LMWH
Stop LMWH 12 hours before procedure and restart 6 hours after procedure
Restart Warfarin when no longer NPO and stop LMWH when INR > 2.0
Postoperative fever and complications
Fever mnemonic (7 Ws): Wind (see pulmonary below), water (UTI), wound (surgical site), walking (PE), wonder drugs, withdrawal, wonky gland (endocrine)
Conditions: Atelectasis, PNA, PE
Prevention: Preoperative steroids, incentive spirometry, DVT ppx including ambulation
Infection: PNA, UTI, surgical site