Nexplanon Insertion
No history of
Ischemic heart disease, liver tumors/cirrhosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, cerebrovascular disease
Breast cancer within the previous 5 years
No active AUB, cervical/endometrial cancer
Pregnancy test negative
Arm desired for insertion (generally non-dominant)
Obtain consent
Procedure: Pain, bleeding, infection, injury at insertion site
Contraceptive method: Irregular uterine bleeding, potential for Nexplanon to dislodge, failure of contraceptive method
Site preparation
Position patient with shoulder and elbow at 90 degrees
Mark insertion site located
8 cm medial to medial epicondyle of humeral head
4 cm inferior to bicep/tricep sulcus
Mark a second (terminal) point 4 cm proximal to insertion site to act as a guide
Place sterile drape over insertion site
Clean insertion site with betadine and let dry
Do NOT insert any needles through ink mark to avoid tattooing skin
Local anesthetic
Wipe injection site with alcohol pad
Using a 5 mL syringe with 1.5 inch, 25 gauge needle, inject 2 cc of 1% lidocaine without epinephrine just distal to first mark
Advance the syringe along the planned insertion path and raise a wheel
Nexplanon insertion
Remove plastic cover from Nexplanon injector
Place Nexplanon injector needle just distal to first mark and aim toward second
Advance along full length of the needle
Apply downward pressure to slider and retract fully backward
Lift Nexplanon away from skin
Stop any local bleeding with gauze
Palpate Nexplanon to ensure appropriate insertion
Remove sterile drape and place under patient's arm
Place adhesive bandage over insertion site
Have patient palpate Nexplanon
Wrap insertion site with elastic pressure bandage
Retrieval hook
IUD insertion -Contraindications for copper IUD -Additional contraindications for levonorgestrel IUD
Instruments IUD
Sterile cup with betadine
Syringe with lidocaine
Ring forceps
String scissors
Insert speculum
Visualize the cervix
Betadine solution on exterior cervix
Consider lidocaine with tenaculum
Sound the uterus to depth of at least 6 cm
Mirena - up, advance, center, back, remove
Cut the string (don't pull string when cutting)
Give pad to patient
Discuss follow-up pregnancy testing
Insertion procedure 58300
Skyla J7301
Paraguard J7300
Mirena J7302