Smoking Cessation Regimens
General Information
One pack = 20 cigarettes
Nicotine via inhalation varies widely per subject
All forms of nicotine replacement therapy increase chances of successful quitting by 50 to 70%
Varenicline (Chantix):
American Thoracic Society 2020 Practice Guidelines
Recommended over bupropion and nicotine replacement therapy even in patients with disorder, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and/or bipolar disorder
Begin treatment rather than waiting until patients are ready to stop tobacco use (strong recommendation, moderate certainty)
Recommend treatment for longer than standard duration of 6-12 weeks
Regimen (12 weeks total)
Days 1 to 3: 0.5 mg qd
Days 4 to 7: 0.5 mg BID
Weeks 2-12: Quit smoking and start 1 mg BID
Combination with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
Traditionally recommended against combination with NRT
Per American Thoracic Society 2020 guidelines, there is a conditional recommendation with low certainty to combine with NRT
Contraindications and adverse effects
FDA boxed warning: May cause serious neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients, including changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts and behavior, and attempted suicide; patient should be monitored closely
May result in headache, nausea (dose related), insomnia, abnormal dreams, flatulence
May increase the risk of certain cardiovascular adverse events in patients with cardiovascular disease
Pregnancy category C
Retail price: Up to $541/month
Bupropion XL (Wellbutrin)
Days 1-3: 150 mg
Days 4 to 7: 300 mg qd
Week two: Stop smoking and start nicotine replacement therapy (see below)
May combine with nicotine replacement therapy
Adverse effects
History of seizure disorder, eating disorder
MAO use (e.g. selegiline) within previous 14 days
FDA boxed warning: May increase suicidality in patients with depression
May result in insomnia, dry mouth
Pregnancy category C
Retail price: As low as $12/month with GoodRx Coupon
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine patch (transdermal): Start on quit date and combine with PRN nicotine replacement
> 10 cigarettes/day: 21 mg/day patch x 6 weeks, 14 mg/day patch x 6 weeks, 7 mg/day patch until ready to stop
≤ 10 cigarettes/day: 14 mg/day patch x 6 weeks, 7 mg/day patch until ready to stop
PRN nicotine therapy
Dosage for gum and lozenge based on time of first cigarette after awakening
< 30 minutes: 4 mg/unit x 6 weeks, 2 mg/unit until ready to stop
> 30 minutes: 2 mg/unit until ready to stop
Common flavors include mint, cinnamon, and mixed fruit
Chew gum until nicotine taste appears and then hold gum against buccal mucosa until it disappears
Maximum daily dose: 24 pieces
Common flavors include mint and cherry
Maximum daily dose: 20 lozenges
For patients using patch, total nicotine intake with PRN therapy should not exceed amount received via smoking (e.g. 1 pack/day smoker previously receiving up to 40 mg/day via smoking on 21 mg/day patch should try not to use more than 5 pieces of 4 mg/piece gum per day)
Counseling and Alternative Therapies
Exercise, acupuncture, hypnotherapy are ineffective for smoking cessation
Address behavior change, especially activities associated with smoking
Counsel patient about nicotine withdrawal symptoms, depression, and weight gain
Follow-up shortly before quit date