Urinary Tract Malignancy
Male hairdresser age >35 years with h/o chronic UTI, pelvic radiation, smoking, and NSAID analgesic abuse presents with asymptomatic hematuria. No pertinent positive on ROS. No abnormalities on physical exam.
Obtain BMP
Urinalysis shows gross hematuria
Obtain CT to evaluate upper urinary tract
Refer to urology for cystoscopy
Cystoscopy negative with risk factors for malignancy: Obtain CT abdomen/pelvis with and without contrast
Lesions suspicious for malignancy on imaging: Refer to oncology
Pt counseled about risks of smoking, analgesic abuse
Responsible for 5% of asymptomatic hematuria cases
Occupational exposure to benzenes or aromatic amines (e.g. hairdressers) increases risk
May present with gross or microscopic hematuria