Three Year Well-Child Check
Normal Exam Template
Parental concerns:
General health
No new allergies, medications, health issues
No parental concerns regarding vision, hearing, oral health
Most recent dentist visit:
Nutrition: Consumes balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein, iron rich foods, and < 20 oz 2% milk daily
Elimination: Regular voids and no constipation; toilet trained during day
Sleep: Regular bedtime; sleeps 10 to 13 hours daily
Social history
Activities/childcare during day:
No parental concerns about behavior, temperament
M-CHAT-R/F administered
Developmental milestones
Uses 2-3 word sentences; speech usually understandable
Dresses her/himself and engages in imaginative play
Knows that s/he is a girl/boy
Draws person with 2 body parts
Stands on 1 foot
Walks up stairs with alternating feet
Anticipatory guidance
Screen time < 2 hours daily
Always supervised when outside and/or near water
Firearms in household stored unloaded in firearm safe with ammunition stored separately
Assessment and Plan
General Health
Acute health issues:
Vision/hearing concerns: Refer to ophthalmology/audiology
Oral health
Encouraged twice yearly dental visits
Water source does not contain fluoride: Fluoride drops 0.5 mg/day
Nutrition concerns, low iron intake, and/or consuming > 20 oz milk daily: Obtain CBC
Toilet training: Parents encouraged to visit for more information
Anticipatory guidance: Counseled about appropriate screen time, water safety, car safety, and gun safety
Vaccination/Universal Screening
Live attenuated influenza vaccine
Pt has received < 2 lifetime doses: Administer first dose now followed by 2nd dose in 4 weeks
Pt has received ≥ 2 lifetime doses: Administer 1 dose
All other vaccinations up to date
0-2: Normal screen
3-7: Positive M-CHAT-R/F responses reviewed; upon clarification
Score < 2: Normal screen
Score remains ≥ 2 with provider concern based on observation: Refer to developmental pediatrics
8-20: Refer to developmental pediatrics
Not achieving developmental milestones:
No previous missed milestones: Reassess in 6 months and refer to early intervention resources and/or medical specialist if issues persist
Persistent developmental delay: Refer to early intervention resources and/or medical specialist
Child may transition to forward-facing car seat when child exceeds weight limit of rear-facing seat
Child should remain in forward facing car seat (not booster seat) until age 5 years
MCHAT scoring
1 point for YES on items on 2, 5, and 12
1 point for NO on all other items