6-8 Year Well-Child Check
Normal Exam Template
Parental concerns:
General health
No new allergies, medications, health issues
No parental concerns regarding vision, hearing, oral health
Most recent dentist visit:
Nutrition: Consumes balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein
Elimination: Regular voids with limited/no nocturnal enuresis
Sleep: Regular bedtime; sleeps 9 to 12 hours daily
Activity: Plays for ≥ 60 minutes daily
Social history
No parent/teacher concerns regarding behavior, attention, performance
Not a target for
Developmental milestones
6 years: Good articulation/language skills, counts to 10 and can name 4 colors, copies squares/triangles and prints some letters, draws person with 6 body parts, hops on 1 foot
7-8 years: Good peer relationships, interacts well with family, performs chores
Anticipatory guidance
Screen time < 2 hours daily; Internet usage monitored by parents
Always supervised when outside and/or near water
Always wears helmet
Firearms in household stored unloaded in firearm safe with ammunition stored separately
Assessment and Plan
General Health
Acute health issues:
Physical health
Vision/hearing concerns: Refer to ophthalmology/audiology
Oral health
Encouraged twice yearly dental visits
Water source does not contain fluoride: Fluoride drops 1 mg/day
Educated about appropriate nutrition and physical activity
Tanner stage [ ]
No indication of precocious puberty
Parents and patient educated about normal puberty/sexual development
Concerns about attention/school performance: Administer Vanderbilt Assessment Scales for ADHD
Anticipatory guidance: Counseled about appropriate screen time, water safety, helmet use, car safety, and gun safety
Live attenuated influenza vaccine
Pt has received < 2 lifetime doses: Administer first dose now followed by 2nd dose in 4 weeks
Pt has received ≥ 2 lifetime doses: Administer 1 dose
All other vaccinations up to date
Not achieving developmental milestones: Contact school about concerns